401 Main Street
Wed. 10a-2p

Tuesday, By Chance

Saturday, By Chance

Call before you come.

860 274-1050

Frequently Asked Questions & Concerns


Can I take photos?
Absolutely! Just please don’t use flash as the light exposure will damage our artifacts over time. If you do take pictures in our exhibit spaces or at any events, we would love to see them! Send them to us at webmaster@watertownhistorymuseum.org or post them to Instagram and tag us @wateroak_history

I love your current exhibit! I think I have an item that would fit perfectly with the theme. Do you want it?
Yes and no. While we love getting donations from the community, we currently need to finish inventorying our current collection to give us a better idea of what items we may want or need in the future. If you would still like to donate an item (or loan it to us for a set time), please fill out our donation form with a photo of the item, and send it via mail to the museum or email it to curator@watertownhistorymuseum.org. Someone from our collections/curatorial team will be in touch with you.